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2014-04-01 20:37:27事业单位63 收藏
  2014年中国传媒大学经济与管理学院人才招聘启事  考考公务员网2014年4月1日讯:中国传媒大学是教育部直属的国家“211工程”重点建设大学,已正式进入国家




















  The Communication University of China (CUC) is one of China’s key universities of “Project 211”, directly under the guidance of the State Ministry of Education. The predecessor of the school was a training center for technicians of the Central Broadcasting Bureau that was founded in 1954. In April of 1959, the school was upgraded to the Beijing Broadcasting Institute approved by the State Council. In August of 2004, the BBI was renamed into the Communication University of China. Located in the east part of Beijing and near the Old Canal, the CUC occupies 473,000 square meters with a total construction area of 383,000 square meters. The motto of CUC is integrity, professionalism, erudition and competence. There are 2034 staffs, and 4 faculties, 1 coordinate innovation center and 5 schools. (http://cuc.edu.cn)

  The School of Economics and Management is one of key research and education departments of CUC. Its predecessor is Management and Engineering department founded in 1985. It was upgraded to Media Management School in 2002, and then was renamed as School of Economics and Management in 2011. The school possesses 1 PhD program which is Media Economics, 5 disciplines master degree programs which are Practical Economics, Media Economics, Management Science and Engineering, Business Management, and Administration, and 10 undergraduate programs.

  For upgrading the schools quality, we are inviting elites in the field of economics and management to join us. (http://sem.cuc.edu.cn/)

  1. Requirements of specialities

  Ø In the field of Management Science and Engineering.

  Ø In the field of Economics.

  Ø In the field of Public Management

  2. Position

  Ø Full time teacher

  3. Basic requirements

  Ø Intend to devote to work for school.

  Ø PhD degree gotten from high level university abroad.

  Ø Or domestic PhD degree with the addition of teaching or research experience abroad.

  Ø Abundant high level research achievement.

  4. Application procedure

  Ø Down load application from the web of Human Resource Department of CUC, and fill in it and submit the materials required. http://renshichu.cuc.edu.cn/, and email you CV to jgyjs@cuc.edu.cn

  Ø After applicants qualified the initial examination by Human Resource Department, the School of Economics and Management will organize experts to make interviews.

  Ø For applicants passed interviews, the school will submit their information to Human Resource Department of CUC for approval and then go through formal procedure of recruitment of talents.