3. Candidare selection: 1 candidate will be finally selected by passing the assessment and interview. If failed, the position will be vacant. (确定聘用人选:考核组根据参加考试人员的资历条件、答辩情况进行综合评价,并按综合评价成绩的高低确定1名拟聘用人选。如经考核组评价后认为无适合人选,该岗位可以空缺,择时另行招聘。)
4. Physical examination: physical examination by the designated medical institution, The Number 2 People's Hospital of Yunnan Province (Yunnan Provincial Red Cross Hospital) is necessary for the candidate selected. (身体检查:经考核后确定的拟聘人选须到指定的医疗机构(云南省第二人民医院,即云南省红十字会医院)进行体检,并提供体检情况报告。)
5. Publicity: List of candidate will be publicized on the Department of Human Resources and Security of Yunnan Province Website, Yunnan Talent Market Website, Bioversity International Center Website and Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences Website for a period of 7 working days. (公示:拟聘用人选名单将在云南人力资源和社会保障网、云南省人才市场网站、国际生物多样性中心网站、云南省农业科学院网站进行公示,公示期为7个工作日。)
6. Employment: If publicity without objection, employment contract will be signed with the candidate upon the approval of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Yunnan Province according to relevant provisions. (聘用:公示后无异议的,按有关规定报云南省人社厅审批后,办理聘用手续。聘用后按事业单位人事管理的相关规定签订聘用合同。)
Discipline and supervision (纪律与监督)
1. The staff engaged in the recruitment should execute official withdrawal if he/she has the avoidance relationship with the candidtaes, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the document ( [2002]35 ) issued by the General Office of the State Council. (参与公开招聘考试、考核、体检等组织工作的人员,与应聘报考者存在回避关系的,应当按照国办发[2002]35号文件的有关规定实行公务回避。)
2. The Human Resources and Social Security Department of Yunnan Province will guide, coordinate, supervise and inspect the whole recruitment procedures. (云南省人力资源和社会保障厅将对我院公开招聘工作进行指导、协调和检查、监督,受理群众相关的反映和举报,并按规定的管理权限调查处理。招聘工作做到信息公开、过程公开、结果公开,接受社会及有关部门的监督。)
3. The staff engaged in the recruitment will be punished according to relevant laws and regulations if he/she violates the disciplines. (对违反公开招聘纪律的工作人员,视情节轻重,分别给予调离工作岗位或相应的行政处分;对违反公开招聘纪律或不具备招聘资格、弄虚作假隐瞒真实情况的应聘人员,取消考试资格或聘用资格。对造成恶劣影响且触犯刑律的有关人员,将移送司法机关处理。)
4. Test questions concerned with the recuitment should be strictly managed and kept secret, or the staff concerned will be punished. (严格招聘考试的命题管理,加强试题的安全保密措施,对在考试与招聘工作中泄题或有舞弊行为的人员,一经发现要从严处理。)
5. Supervision telephone number: 0871—65136700 (监督电话:0871—65136700)